Financial planning is not based on finances alone.  It encompasses your values, your purpose and the lifestyle you want to achieve.

It's easy to put off saving but the earlier you start ,the easier it will be to reach your goals. 

Whether you are a complete novice or a seasoned investor, we can work together to put an investment plan in place to meet your short, medium and longer-term objectives. 

The first step is a conversation.  Investing can seem daunting and complicated.  My aim is to keep things simple and easy for you to understand.  This also naturally comes with an element of education if helpful, so that you are confident in the financial decisions you're making.

If you are considering different options, such as investing vs property, we can look at the advantages/disadvantages of each option and the long-term impact on your finances.



The investment market offers a vast range of opportunities for income, growth and tax relief.  For more information on the options available, please get in touch.


Cash Management

With inflationary pressures, it's important to ensure even your cash gets the best return possible. 

Personal Investments

Investing is a time consuming minefield.  Let us look after your portfolio and manage your money in line with your risk profile and objectives.

Specialist Investments

There are various products which offer tax relief in return for investment in companies which are benefitting the economy or environment.  There are opportunities to reduce your income tax, inheritance tax and to defer/manage capital gains tax.

Corporate & Trustee Investments

Often funds can build up in a business with no short term capital expenditure expected.  If you would like to consider long-term growth above inflation, we can set up corporate investments.

We can also manage portfolios within trusts.


Returns are not guaranteed.  Past performance is not a guide to future performance.  You may get back less than the amount you invested.  For more detailed information on the risks involved and whether an investment may be suitable for your individual needs, please get in touch.


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